Saludos y despedidas

Three pages Spanish worksheets over Saludos y Despedidas (Greetings and Farewells). These worksheets contains three activities to help your students practice Spanish greetings. Matching Personal Questions Reading

All About Me -Todo Sobre Mi-

This is a great activity to get to know your students. This is a two pages Spanish actvity for first week of school. Great for: First day of school All about me activity Writing activity Open house Parent night, and so much more!

70 Cuentos cortos

70 cuentos cortos y comprensión lectora, con el que podremos poner en practica la lectura en los niños y niñas. Cada cuento corto, contiene preguntas de comprensión lectora  y fomentar así la atención al leer.

Spanish 1/2 Review

Self-checking Spanish 1/2 Review activity using Google Sheets ★ INCLUDED1 page Google Sheets★ HOW IT WORKS Students enter their responses in the answer section. Correct answers will change color. Incorrect response will remain RED.You can quickly assign each student a copy  using Google Classroom, Canvas or Schoology.This activity can be used Read more…